Bungie Day is a holiday created by Bungie Studios that revels in the glory of their favorite number. Occurring on the seventh day of the seventh month since the year 2007, fans and studio members alike have honored this special day for three years running. Today we commemorate the occasion with the theme, “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…” So without further ado, these are the reasons why you, the active members of our tight-knit community, love Halo. I would say we should count them, but I’m pretty sure numbers don’t go that high.

How do I love
? Le7 me coun7 7he ways.
I love
7o 7he wave and round and se7
And when drope7h does Reach, we never will
Phor 7he ends of
and such 7hings.
And never in
does 7he banhammer swing.
Mos7 quie7 lay, when facing the Guardians’
I love
deeply, especially when playing Firefigh7
I love
7ruly, when my Splazer rains dea7h
I love
with a passion, hard to pu7 in7o words
Some suffer from griefers, ye7 few lose 7heir
We all love
, Bungie, our 7rue fellow nerds.
Wi7h all my los7 sleep – I love
with my las7 brea7h
, 7ools of your 7rade! – and, if 7he Webmaster choose,
I shall love
even after being 7eabagged to dea7h.

I love

And when drope7h does Reach, we never will

Phor 7he ends of

And never in

Mos7 quie7 lay, when facing the Guardians’

I love

I love

I love

Some suffer from griefers, ye7 few lose 7heir

We all love

Wi7h all my los7 sleep – I love


I shall love

7hanks for all 7he good 7imes!
Halo: Reach is gonna kick ass!
Halo: Reach is gonna kick ass!

How do I love thee Bungie, I do not know.
It could be your amazing games you’ve put out four times in a row.
It could be the fact that I have gotten fatter; or the fact that only video games matter?
It could be the fact that Halo is awesome, the fact that GoW and MW2 had to copy you.
This is no different from roses are red and violets are blue.
I love thy Bungie like a warm summer’s day.
Well, maybe not that much because it sounds really gay.

No I’m just kidding, I wouldn’t do that. Edward Cullen can suck on my ball sack.
Master Chief is the one for me or Marty O’ Donnell with his amazing melodies.
He renders me speechless with his wondrous work,
I’ll be his little school girl in a tight little skirt.
Maybe Joe Staten would like some of my humps,
they’re a lot juicer than than those mean little Grunts.
I’m not saying I’m gay because I know I am not,
but proof that I love Bungie was on Sept. 27th.
HaloO 3 is what I bought. And when it all comes around for me,
that’s how I know I LOVE THEE BUNGIE! ! ! !
It could be your amazing games you’ve put out four times in a row.
It could be the fact that I have gotten fatter; or the fact that only video games matter?
It could be the fact that Halo is awesome, the fact that GoW and MW2 had to copy you.
This is no different from roses are red and violets are blue.
I love thy Bungie like a warm summer’s day.
Well, maybe not that much because it sounds really gay.

No I’m just kidding, I wouldn’t do that. Edward Cullen can suck on my ball sack.
Master Chief is the one for me or Marty O’ Donnell with his amazing melodies.
He renders me speechless with his wondrous work,
I’ll be his little school girl in a tight little skirt.
Maybe Joe Staten would like some of my humps,
they’re a lot juicer than than those mean little Grunts.
I’m not saying I’m gay because I know I am not,
but proof that I love Bungie was on Sept. 27th.
HaloO 3 is what I bought. And when it all comes around for me,
that’s how I know I LOVE THEE BUNGIE! ! ! !
P.S. You guys r amazing. You have caused my mom to give me so much shit, and every time I gave her the finger and to get outta my room so I can play one more game. God bless you guys for letting me waste ten years of my life.
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